Humour Long Term Care Recreation Therapy

The Heat is On; On the Screen

September 30, 2021

Oh, Autumn. The time of year where the days grow shorter, the leaves fall quicker and the furnace smells mustier…

We have now entered the “Sweat-er” season where you throw on a sweater in the morning and by the afternoon you ponder do I sweat er remove my sweater? 

When is the appropriate time to begin using your furnace again? Up until this week I have been too stubborn, so I found other ways to heat up such as: hot showers, layers, coffee and Bachelor in Paradise.

To be fair, our weather has been gorgeous and nothing to complain about, but where would the fun be in that?

The other morning my teeth were practically chattering as I headed to the shower, so I made a pitstop at the thermostat. I have never been so excited to hear a rumbling noise come from my basement.

My apartment is now heating up and so are things at work…

In Trust – A 5 Letter Word for Infrequent. I didn’t trust a correct answers booklet. Today, I don’t think a therapy aide trusted I was working.

Our health care staff recently had the opportunity to learn about the important topics of sexuality, sex and sexual health for people with disabilities and older adults.

Now you may have just squirmed in your seat, but relax, I’m talking about sex between clients, not your parents.

The education was interactive (ahem..through discussions), informational and nothing was off the table. Following the final session, the presenter sent us a manual as an extra resource to refer back to. It covered various complications that could arise depending on disability or age, specific health professionals’ roles in sexual health and adaptive equipment. 

Each page of the manual was in depth and also displayed quite explicit drawn photos. The individuals looked like characters from Outlander

I was perusing the pages when a therapy aide entered the office. He came behind my desk to retrieve an iPad from my filing cabinet. We were discussing his afternoon when I noticed his eyes dart to my screen. 

As quickly as I could form words, I explained why I was checking out a sex picture book. 

He stated that he had only read the word intimacy. However, I felt the need to point out that behind the word intimacy, there was a picture of two people in a form of a sex swing. 

He had not noticed that detail.

We changed the subject quicker than the sex talk you had with your parents and he was on his way to the next program. 

After that encounter, I didn’t need to turn up my office’s thermostat since I was already feeling the heat. 

Poop was Not in a Group

January 30, 2025

E-normous Confusion

October 10, 2024

Caller IDiot

August 8, 2024



Hey there. I’m Rachelle. I’m a Saskatchewan girl living in an Albertan world. I enjoy the simple things in life like all you can eat sushi, that spiral brush on my eyebrows and freshly vacuumed carpet. I’m a Recreation Therapist and my day is about as predictable as my curls. The people I’ve had the pleasure of working with and my own clumsiness has resulted in some pretty entertaining stories. This blog is simply a place to share those stories and hopefully bring a smile to your face too.

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 Rachelle Forster and The Wreck in Recreation blog, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rachelle Forster and The Wreck in Recreation with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.